Who lives in the mind of Dennis Corrigan? The Midnight Worm, Pointing George, Father Kurowski, Filthy Andy, a Weird Walkin' Stalker, Mrs. Mussman, A Revolting Rabbit Family.... One hundred clever and crazy cartoons to make you laugh and make you wonder. “I'm always a fan of anyone who dips into the uncharted areas of the psyche for inspiration and Corrigan's work is certainly that. Fun and strange––what's not to love?" —Dan Piraro, creator of the legendary syndicated cartoon panel BIZARRO.

Dennis Corrigan is Assistant Professor of Art at Marywood University in Scranton, PA. He earned his MFA from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. His work may be found in the permanent collections of such institutions as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum.
ISBN 978-1936936083

Mere amusement, however, does not appear always, or even most of the time, to be the sole aim of the essays—rather, a morsel of enlightenment should linger after the laughter. Several of them (MA-L,S,V; Dear Gloria; Knowledge is Boring; The End of Sex) take on certain quirks of modernity: the TV ratings guide, excesses of information and communication, even language itself. Others (Notes on the Impossible, De Gustibus, Sketchbook) offer glimpses, drawn from the author's years spent in France, of some special—sometimes delightful, sometimes annoying—aspects of life in that often misunderstood country. Still others simply follow out some telling experience that came the author's way—on the basketball court, in his car, in his living room, on a deserted, sandy beach in the middle of next-to-nowhere.
So leave your worries at the doorstep, prepare to enjoy yourself, and dive right in—whether at the deep end or the shallow end is of little importance. The book will keep you afloat as long as you're holding on to it.
James Manns, after receiving his Ph.D. from Boston University, pursued a career teaching Philosophy at the University of Kentucky, specializing in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. He retired in 2003, and his wife and he opened a new chapter in their life by relocating to the seaside community of La Jolla, California. He is pleased to be adding, through these essays and sketches, a little something to the very field which for many years he directed his energies to understanding and explaining.