With over forty easy and enjoyable art activities, Draw-Bridges gives parents, grand-parents, teachers and counselors a creative new way to help kids learn positive behavior, express themselves, and build strong family relationships.

I do this activity before the 4th of July for students to celebrate the meaning of the holiday.The teacher will ask students to think of a past or upcoming event that they are really excited about (e.g. birth of a new sibling, a new bike or present, a contest that they won, etc.).
Then, the group will be asked to draw and/or paint the special event on the bottom portion of a large sheet of paper. Next, above the picture, mixed media will be used to create fireworks symbolizing celebration of the event. (Note: Glitter pens/glue work well.)
Finally, a discussion can be held among group members about the artwork.

The Strategy Training Program is:
- Designed to improve studying, organizing, remembering, and concentrating
- Field tested
- Used successfully with various ages and grade levels
- For special needs and general education students
- A comprehensive system including sequences for six sessions, strategy sheets, home assignments,
- family information sheets, and assessments
What Parents and Professionals Have Said about the Strategy Training Program
I liked the many different strategies you showed the children (in a child friendly way, too!) which they can utilize in school and at home. The binder was neatly organized so that the children can use it on their own.
My daughter’s reading grade has improved from a C to a B+ this quarter. She now
uses her strengths in visual learning and drawing to help her read, understand, and remember.My son truly seemed to be interested in this class. He has really tried to take all the
concepts in and says he will use them in the upcoming school year.The strategies were excellent and apply to a variety of situations.
The memory strategies are a great tool to use. ‘B.E. V.E.R.Y. G.O.O.D.’ is a great way to remember how to pay attention.
The token reward system worked well as a positive reinforcer.
I see a change in my daughter. She is more confident about herself. I can now help her to better herself in school and at home. I also understand more about what she needs.
I benefited from the program because I learned different study skills to help my son study for tests and ways to remember homework and tests.
We were able to keep a binder filled with ideas.
My son looked forward to weekly sessions. Many areas of improvement: attitudes, knowledge, and application of skills. He has a better understanding of himself and how to learn and study.
The techniques were practical and easy to apply to schoolwork. My son listened and took to heart the concepts. (From a parent who is also an elementary school principal)
As parents, my husband and I also found the token system and reward coupons very interesting. Your charts are very straight forward and look like something that we can stick with. This program also helped me to be more organized.
Dr. Kristin Bewick offered her Study Skills course through North Pocono School District Community Education in the summer of 2010. The course was well received by students and parents. General consensus of parents was that they liked the course because not only did their children learn to study, but they were included in every step of the learning process as well. Students also seemed to enjoy the course, as most students attended every class.
—Kim Bocchichio, North Pocono Community Education Program
I could not be more supportive of Dr. Bewick’s program designed to foster organizational and study strategies, and enhance skills in the child-parent team. I have witnessed firsthand the success Dr. Bewick has achieved with our patients at the NeuroSensory Center, and have been impressed with the professional manner in which the program is delivered, as well as the quality of the experience for the students.
Dr. Bewick’s program not only achieves concrete academically-oriented objectives, but, just as importantly, it increases students’ psychological well-being. The result—happier, more self-confident children.
—Dr. Robert Bohlander
Director of Neuropsychology Services
NeuroSensory Center of Eastern PA
The Strategy Training Program is an innovative and well developed learning program for students to assist them in developing appropriate learning strategies to enhance their cognitive development and level of academic achievement. Clinical facilitators and parents are valuable components to the training program in order to ensure a successful implementation of specific learning strategies. The ultimate goal of improved learning and cognitive efficiency should indeed be witnessed through the use of the Strategy Training Program.
—Michael J. Raymond, PhD Director, Clinical/Forensic Neuropsychology Allied Services, John Heinz Institute of Rehabilitation

Since 2000 Dr. Bewick has worked in the Education Department of Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania as an associate professor, advisor, teacher trainer, and program coordinator. She has co-authored and authored articles and publications about education and cognition, including the rehabilitation program guide for brain injury titled BRAINWAVE-R, a series of workbooks for patients and their families.
Dr. Bewick is the owner and director of LearnMore Service, LLC, in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, a clinic that provides a variety of learning and tutoring programs for clients of all ages.
Dr.Bewick is available for parent workshops and inservice training. To arrange an appearance, please email Dr. Bewick
Visit Dr. Bewick’s Website at
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